Shop Now for Town Star NFTs

Gala Games is delivering an exciting opportunity for all TownStar fans out there! Get ready to level up your NFT collection with the chance to win up to three free NFTs this month of February

But hold on, there's more! Players have the chance to qualify for more than just one NFT.  Players who don't own a TownStar node can win up to TWO of these free NFTs, while players who do own a TownStar node could potentially win themselves all three NFTs on offer. 

That's right, by owning a Town Star Node, running it daily for the required time, and playing all 28 days with a minimum of 75 trades, players can score all three NFTs.

First up, we've got the Common NFT. To earn this one, players must play Town Star on 10 different days during February, make at least one trade per day, and complete a total of 25 trades throughout the month.

Next, we have the Uncommon NFT. To get your hands on this rarer item, players must own and run a Town Star node for a minimum of 6 hours each day, for ten consecutive days. That's one NFT per node that meets the requirements, so get your game on!

And last but not least, the third NFT will be announced at a later date, but we can tell you how to qualify. To receive it, players must play Town Star every single day in February (28 days), make at least one trade per day, and complete a minimum of 75 trades throughout the month.

Gala Games will be using UTC time to keep track of play days, so make sure to mark your calendars. The event kicks off at 00:00:00 UTC on February 1st, 2023, hence the second day will starts at 00:00:00 UTC on February 2nd, 2023 and so on.  So get ready to show off your skills and claim your NFT rewards!